Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What's next, Gin flavored Gatorade?

AP-PORTLAND, Maine (AP) -- Beer. It's not just for couch potatoes anymore.
A Bavarian brewmeister is touting its no-alcohol beer as the latest sport drink for athletes, handing it out at the finish line of sporting events and touting its regenerative benefits.
Unlike Gatorade, Erdinger Alkoholfrei is served up with a frothy head. And it comes in one color - a golden hue - unlike conventional sport drinks.
Several top athletes from Europe quaffed the beverage from giant mugs on the podium of the World Cup biathlons held this month in northern Maine.
The company touts the beverage as an isotonic, vitamin-rich, no-additive beverage with natural regenerative powers that help athletes recover from a workout. In other words, it's carbohydrate-loaded refreshment without the alcoholic buzz of beer or the jitters caused by some energy drinks.

Non-alcoholic beer has got to be the stupidest invention ever. What is the point? Was it created so alcoholics could still drink beer without the pleasant side effects? News flash- any recovering alcoholic who drinks O'douls so he can still enjoy that great beer taste is going to switch to the good stuff sooner or later. It's bound to happen. Drinking near beer is like watching an edited for television porno movie, on paper it seems like it would be better than nothing at all, but in the end it's utterly disappointing.

Now this German company is trying to push a new version here in this country. Even if you call it an energy drink, it's bound to fail. This is America, Fritz. We like booze in our energy drinks. Now, if they would only make an alcoholic version of the energy beer, they might be on to something.

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