Monday, October 10, 2011

Connecticut inmates angry over porn ban.

HARTFORD, CT (AP) - A group of Connecticut prisoners has begun a letter-writing campaign to protest what they see as an unfair ban on pornography inside the state's correctional institutions.
The Department of Correction announced in July it would ban all material containing "pictorial depictions of sexual activity or nudity" from the prisons. The ban takes effect next summer.
Spokesman Brian Garnett says the Correction Department has received about three dozen letters, many of them form letters, claiming the recently adopted ban violates inmates' First Amendment constitutional rights.
Bill Dunlap, a law professor at Quinnipiac University, says the ban goes beyond what the U.S. Supreme Court has upheld. But, he says, the courts often side with prisons on First Amendment issues if they can prove a legitimate goal other than to simply suppress material that some people might find objectionable.

The Connecticut DOC is a bunch of assholes. Isn't it bad enough that these guys are locked up? Why do you have to take away their porn too? It would seem to me that access to porn leads to a healthier, happier prison system. Whacking off is a victimless crime. You know what isn't a victimless crime? Prison rape (not really relevant to this issue, but I always like to keep people aware of that fact.) So what if a few female corrections officers see some porn here and there? They work in a fucking prison! I'm sure they've seen and heard much worse while on the job. And that's just from their co-workers. Have you ever met these creeps that work in corrections? Total fucking psychos.

Come on Connecticut DOC, lighten up. These guys have given up a lot by being locked up, and now they are giving up their dignity by writing these letters. What kind of degenerate writes a letter to protect their right to keep porn? These are obviously desperate men. Wouldn't it be funny if this case went all the way to the Supreme Court and became a landmark case like Plessy vs Ferguson, or Roe vs Wade? 50 years from now, school children could be learning about Masturbators vs the Connecticut DOC.

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