Monday, October 3, 2011

Italian man hears voices in church. Promptly tears his eyes out.

nbcnewyork- An Italian man tore both of his eyes out in the middle of the priest's homily at a church near Pisa, according to reports.
Fellow parishioners watched in horror as Aldo Bianchini, 46, used his bare hands to pull out both eyeballs. Bianchini later told surgeons, who were unable to save his vision, he heard voices that told him to do it.
"He was in a great deal of agony and he was covered in blood," Dr. Gino Barbacci told the Daily Mail. "He said that he had used his bare hands to gouge out his eye balls after hearing voices telling him to do so - to do something like that requires super human strength."
The Bible's Gospel of St. Matthew quotes Jesus telling his disciples: 'If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell."

Man, is Aldo going to be red in the face once he realizes that the voice telling him to rip his eyes out was not that of God, but rather the voice of Guiseppe, that damn prankster who sits behind him every week in church.

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