Friday, April 29, 2011

Academics claim calling animals "pets" is insulting. Wait, to who?

(Do these wild animals look uncivilized to you?)

telegraph- Domestic dogs, cats, hamsters or budgerigars should be rebranded as “companion animals” while owners should be known as “human carers”, they insist.
Even terms such as wildlife are dismissed as insulting to the animals concerned – who should instead be known as “free-living”, the academics including an Oxford professor suggest.
The call comes from the editors of then Journal of Animal Ethics, a new academic publication devoted to the issue.
It is edited by the Revd Professor Andrew Linzey, a theologian and director of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics, who once received an honorary degree from the Archbishop of Canterbury for his work promoting the rights of “God’s sentient creatures”.
In its first editorial, the journal – jointly published by Prof Linzey’s centre and the University of Illinois in the US – condemns the use of terms such as ”critters” and “beasts”.
It argues that “derogatory” language about animals can affect the way that they are treated.
“Despite its prevalence, ‘pets’ is surely a derogatory term both of the animals concerned and their human carers,” the editorial claims.
“Again the word ‘owners’, whilst technically correct in law, harks back to a previous age when animals were regarded as just that: property, machines or things to use without moral constraint.”
It goes on: “We invite authors to use the words ‘free-living’, ‘free-ranging’ or ‘free-roaming’ rather than ‘wild animals’
“For most, ‘wildness’ is synonymous with uncivilised, unrestrained, barbarous existence.
“There is an obvious prejudgment here that should be avoided.”
Prof Linzey and his co-editor Professor Priscilla Cohn, of Penn State University in the US, also hope to see some of the more colourful terms in the English language stamped out.
Phrases such as “sly as a fox, “eat like a pig” or “drunk as a skunk” are all unfair to animals, they claim.
“We shall not be able to think clearly unless we discipline ourselves to use less than partial adjectives in our exploration of animals and our moral relations with them," they say.

I write a lot on this blog about how I hate dogs and cats and all that. But, that's not completely true. I actually don't really hate them, what I really hate is the people that own them. Some cat isn't rubbing it's tail on me because it's a prick, or some dog isn't jumping on me because he's a fucking asshole, that's just what they do. No, the owner of that cat or that dog is the asshole because they are allowing that stuff to happen to me, even though I'm clearly not into it. I don't want to pet your stupid dog, get it the fuck away from me. And look, your cat is rubbing piss on my legs. "No, it's just their scent" they always say. Yeah, but how do you think that scent gets on the tail? It's piss.

When you think about what a pet actually is, it's really kind of strange. A pet is a living thing that is basically a slave for humans. Sure they are treated great in most cases, but they have no free will. Pets are usually either kept inside, or chained outside, so it can't go where it wants to go. They have to eat only what is served to it. It has to shit where people want it to shit. And it's not allowed to fuck who it wants to fuck. And if it tries to bang something, it gets it's balls cut off without consent. The whole idea of owning a pet is really messed up. And don't even get me started on making pets wear sweaters and shit like that.

So I can kind of see where these eggheads are coming from with their whole thing about changing the way that animals are treated and all that. But they are going about it completely ass-backwards. As far as I know, animals don't understand language. Sure you can teach them commands, but it has nothing to do with word meaning. I could easily teach a dog to sit when I say "stand " if I trained it that way. They don't give a fuck what you call it. I think a dog would much rather keep his balls and be called a "pet", than be called a "companion animal" and get neutered. but who really knows for sure? They can't talk. It would be kind of funny to hear some twit refer to their cat or dog in that way, though. Companion animal makes it sound like it's your girlfriend or something. It's like "wait a second man, did you just say your companion animal? Dude, are you fucking your dog?" And how about how these guys want to stop saying wild animals, because "wilderness is synonymous with uncivilized, unrestrained, barbarous existence." Most "free-living" animals live in like holes in the ground, and fucking caves and shit. I'd say that's pretty damn uncivilized if you ask me.

One more thing, if you stamped out all animal related phrases, how would you describe that night when you got drunk as a skunk to the point that you were sick as a dog, then you went outside because you had to piss like a racehorse, and you ran into that pig that went home with you where you fucked like rabbits because you were as horny as a 3-peckered billy goat?

p.s. What the fuck is a budgerigar?

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