Friday, April 29, 2011

Brit Bobby broad busts balls by taking 848 sick days.

the sun- A WOMAN cop who took 848 days off sick with stress and depression has resigned.
Hina Parekh, 43, averaged only five shifts a month on the beat and since 2006 worked 327 days out of a potential total of 1,175.
The Asian WPC claimed racist colleagues were making her unwell - but did not bother taking her case to an employment tribunal.
Senior officers finally hauled her in over her "unsatisfactory" attendance after an audit showed she averaged almost 170 sickies a year. But she resigned before she could be sacked.
A police insider said Parekh got away with her appalling record for years because bosses feared entangling the Met in another racism row.
The source said: "Hina should have been dealt with a long time ago but the force was nervous.

"Everyone had to work harder on her relief because she wasn't there and taxpayers were left picking up her wages.
"She'd go off sick, return to work and then go absent again."

848 sick days? Wow. Do you think she would come up with a different excuse every time she called in sick? After a while it would really be hard to make something up. "Sorry boss, can't make it in today. I've got a nasty case of the bubonic plague. Yeah, that's right, black death. I've got egg sized tumors all over my groin and armpits, and I can't stop vomiting blood. Should be feeling better in a few days, though. talk to you later." It would be cool if they kept stats of her excuses every time she called in? "So it says here that you've been out of work 376 times with a bad cold, 264 times with the shits, you had a dentist's appointment 207 times, and there was that one time last November when you said you couldn't come to work because you had the rockin' pneumonia and the boggie woogie flu."

p.s. I love this guy whining about how he had to work harder because she didn't show up for work. What a fucking joke. English cops are like glorified crossing guards. They have to wear those stupid hats. And I don't even think they carry guns. Give me a break, buddy.

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