Thursday, April 21, 2011

Dog-loving terrorists harass Chinese truck driver.

dailymail- Hundreds of dogs set for the slaughterhouse have been saved from the dinner plate by animal welfare activists in China.
The dogs were being transported behind cages on a truck when they were spotted - and an online call for help rescuing them was put out.
In a rare display of social action, the dogs were saved as they were taken from the Henan province to the Jilin province.
The truck carrying the animals was penned in as it passed a toll booth near Beijing. After 200 people responded to the call for help the vehicle was blockaded for 15 hours.
Finally they secured the release of 580 hounds for $17,000 (£10,370).
The truck's driver told the Global Times newspaper: 'I transported dogs as (I would) pigs, cows and sheep. The country does not ban the consumption of dog meat.'

This story is absolute bullshit, and I'll tell you why. In this world there are way too many stray dogs and there are way to many people without enough food to eat. The Chinese are killing two birds with one stone here and these assholes had to stop it. They basically held this dude hostage for 15 hours until he finally gave up his cargo. Sure they gave him $17 grand for the dogs, but I'm sure he will lose his job for allowing himself to get captured, and not just running them all over.

It may be hard for people in this country to take the side of the driver, but you have to remember that this is another culture we are talking about. It's a culture where eating dogs is fine. Imagine if this happened in this country with a truck full of cows. Some guy is just minding his own business, bringing cows to the slaughterhouse, when a group of Indians (this kind, not this kind) stop his truck for 15 hours demanding the release of the cows. That would be pretty fucked up if you ask me. Of course, since the driver would be American in this scenario, he would probably just pull a gun on the Indians and be on his way in no time.

The funny thing about this story is that the dogs will probably end up getting killed anyways. Sure, some of these dogs will find homes, but not all of them. And I really doubt that the dogs are being held in a no-kill shelter. It is China afterall.

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