Monday, April 25, 2011

Indiana man arrested for huffing paint. For the 48th time.

The smoking gun- Meet Kelly Gibson. For the 48th time since 1992, the Indiana man has been arrested for inhaling paint fumes. Gibson’s latest huffing collar came when his wife summoned cops to the couple’s Fort Wayne home shortly after midnight on April 14.
As seen in the above mug shot, officers found an impaired Gibson covered in silver paint. He was booked into the Allen County jail for allegedly inhaling toxic vapors.
The image of Gibson will likely draw comparisons to the classic booking photo of Patrick “Goldface” Tribett, an Ohio man who has earned online infamy for his series of paint-dappled mug shots.

Arrested for inhaling toxic vapors? What the fuck is that? If that's a crime, every painter in the country should be behind bars. It's an occupational hazard. What is the world coming too when you can be arrested in your own house for sniffing a little paint? It's not like Kelly was one of those guys you see on "Cops" who broke into a hardware store, and get caught hiding under a table with a pile of empty spray paint cans. This dude probably legally bought the paint with his own hard earned money, brought it back to the house, dimmed the lights and put on a little smoothe jazz, then started huffing. Then the cops showed up and killed his buzz. Land of the free my ass.

And what is his wife's problem? This guy has been arrested 48 times for paint huffing, dating back to 1992. I'm pretty sure she knew what she was getting into when she married him.

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