Thursday, April 7, 2011

Worst 5 classic rock songs of all time.

Work in general sucks. But what makes work bearable for me is that I can listen to the radio while I do it. For the most part, I listen to classic rock stations. Its definitely my favorite type of music. The problem is that every once in a while certain shitty songs are played. And since it is classic rock, the songs never go away. When you listen to current music, a bad song will be in rotation for a few months, then it will go away, never to be heard from again. But with classic rock, the bad songs never go away. I've been listening to these same shitty songs on the radio for the last 20 years. So I started to compile a list of the very worst classic rock songs of all-time. I easily could've made a 50 song list, but here is my bottom 5.

5. Hold On Loosely- 38 Special

38 Special is one of those bands where every song they ever wrote is a steaming pile of shit. I easily could have put any song by the band on this list, so I just went with their most popular song. Everything about it is just so cheesy, from the beginning riff and corny lyrics, right through the generic guitar solo. What's funny about 38 Special, is that it was started by Donnie Van Zant, who is the younger brother of Ronnie Van Zant of Lynyard Skynyrd. Ronnie Van Zant was one of the great frontmen and songwriters in rock history, but his brother is a fucking joke. If Ronnie was still alive today, the only thing more embarrassing to him than his brother's band, would be the way his own band turned out. They are basically a shitty Skynyrd tribute band at this point.

4. Grand Illusion- Styx

Much like 38 Special, Styx has a career's worth of horrible tunes. Any 5 random Styx songs could have made this list. This is primarily due to lead singer Dennis DeYoung. The guy is so theatrical and over the top, he makes a broadway musical look like a Ramones concert. The funny thing about Styx is that they have some really good guitar playing, and they like to rock out on some of their songs, but DeYoung just manages to kill them everythime. That is probably why they kicked him out of the band in 1999.

3. Pearl Necklace- ZZ Top

ZZ Top is one of the great American bands of all-time. But this song blows. Just a lazy song all around. Even the guitar parts are boring, which is surprising, because Billy Gibbons has some of the best riffs and solos in the history of rock & roll. A real dissapointment.

2. Carry On Wayward Son- Kansas

Kansas basically took the Styx formula for making a crappy song and came up with this fecal masterpiece. The song is completely ruined by the over the top vocals and harmonizing. Conservatively, I bet I've heard this song over a billion times in my lifetime, and it never ceases to amaze me how truely horrible the song really is.

1. Blinded By The Light- Manfred Mann

Simply put, the worst song in the history of classic rock. It has all the ingedients of a song on this list, lame synthesized keyboards, over the top vocals, and an overall grand and epic sound that is heard on 4 of the 5 songs mentioned here. The chopsticks piano part at the end is just the cherry on the top of this diahrea sundae. This song has one of the most commonly misheard lyrics in rock history. People often mistake "revved up like a duece" for "wrapped up like a douche" which is pretty funny. But what about the line that always sounds to me like "and little early girly made my anus curly wurly and asked me if I needed a ride." What the fuck does that mean?

So there's the list. Like I said, there are 10 times as many songs that could easily make up this list. What did I miss?


  1. I have to agree with Pearl Necklace, ZZ Top is a great band and Gibbons is an American guitar icon, but that song makes my dick soft. Just crap.

    I feel that another legend was conspicuously left off. Where is Greg Allman's "I'm No Angel"?. Single handedly the worst classic rock song ever made. The fact that it was sung by the man who fronted the Allman Brothers Band just makes my brain hurt. "Let me show you my tattoo" is hands down the dumbest line ever composed. That song steals your diamonds and brings you back a turd sandwich.

  2. Just as Tom Brady will never be criticized on this site, neither will the great Greg Allman.
