Sunday, April 3, 2011

Charlie Sheen booed off the stage at his first live show.

people- Charlie Sheen may have made "winning" the word of the moment through a series of bizarre rants that started in February, but in the eyes of his audience at the first stop on his one man show that will travel across North America, he seemed to be losing.
The people who packed the Fox Theatre in Detroit on Saturday night for Charlie Sheen LIVE: My Violent Torpedo of Truth booed as the actor, who took the stage around 9 p.m., launched into a series of nonsensical rants from behind a podium. (Sheen appeared on stage briefly before his set officially began to quell negative audience reaction to his comedian opening act, though that didn't stop the early booing.)
In fact, his rants were so nonsensical that even Sheen seemed confused, and he stopped right in the middle of his speech, saying, "Is anybody as confused by this s–– as I am? The good news is, I wrote every [expletive] word."
Elsewhere during his main set, Sheen also took questions from the audience and showed multiple video clips, including some of his own screen work, as well as an older film starring
Johnny Depp.
"Tonight is an experiment," Sheen later told the crowd. "You paid your hard-earned money without knowing what this show was about."
Sheen, who was
fired from Two and a Half Men in March, took jabs at the show in his live performance. He also took jabs at the city of Detroit.
"I figured Detroit was a good place to tell some crack stories," he said, before asking the audience, "Show of hands – who here has tried crack? Forget that. Who is holding crack right now? I don't do crack anymore, but I'm just saying."
Their reply? More booing.
In response, the embattled actor told the crowd, "Tell the guy next to you booing to shut the f–– up because he's ruining it for the rest of you."

Well this is a surprise. I was sure that, despite having no experience in front of a live audience and being out of his fucking mind, Charlie was going to knock it out of the park. I think the problem was that he overestimated his audience. These people are fucking morons. They actually paid money to see Charlie Sheen perform live. Watching the maniacal rantings of a lunatic standing at a podium is too high brow for these idiots. They might as well have been at the opera. What Charlie should have done was kept it simple. Have a bunch of scantily clad whores dancing on the stage, with fireballs going off, a laser show and loud guitars. Then Charlie would come out on stage, swinging a sword in the air, and pounding a bottle of Jack Daniels. He would shout "Winning" a few times, the crowd would go absolutely wild. Then Charlie would walk off the stage before losing the audience. The end.

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