Monday, April 11, 2011

You know what I hate? Ski dorks.

I went over to the Mount Snow winter brewer's fest this past Saturday. It would've been pretty cool if it wasn't for all the ski dorks. Skiers have to be the bigget group of douchebags in the world. Especially spring skiers. I wasn't even out of the parking lot before I came across a group of them sitting in the bed of a pickup truck, cranking Bob Marley and acting like peckerheads. I was disgusted. Then I saw all these dudes walking to their cars like Frankenstein, still wearing their ski boots. Why don't you just put on your boots in the lodge? Fucking jerks. Do you think these guys put on their hockey skates in the car too?

Once I got into the brew fest at the base of the mountain, I saw all these assholes skiing in shorts and tank tops. There is absolutely no reason to ski in shorts. It was like 50 degrees out, not exactly shorts weather. I think that the only reason people ski in shorts, is so they can tell people that they skied in shorts. Do you realize how ridiculous that is? Get a fucking life, dude. Nobody finds that impressive.

Then to top it all off, there were a bunch of homos walking around in retro fluorescent ski suits. Those guys were the biggest douche's of all. This one guy had his suit unzipped to his waist, showing off his chest hair and wearing florescent shades. I usually consider myself a pretty tolerant person, but I just wanted to punch the guy right in his hipster face. The day would've been a total disaster if it wasn't for all of the hot chicks. Their spring ski outfits are actually kind of sexy.

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