Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The ShamWow guy is up to his old tricks again.

nydailynews- The ShamWow guy is going to need a bigger towel to mop up his latest legal mess.
A stunning young model who worked for TV pitchman Vince Shlomi is suing him, alleging that he stalked and emotionally abused her, forced her to be at his constant "beck and call," made sexual advances and offered to buy her eggs. Jennifer Kosinski, 23, worked as a customer service rep and personal assistant for the ShamWow and Slap Chop hawker from July 2009 to April 2010, according to the lawsuit, which was posted on the The Smoking Gun website.
The suit seeks unpaid wages and attorney's fees, and accuses Shlomi of civil battery and intentional infliction of emotional distress. Shlomi's lawyer told TSG that he had no comment. Shlomi, 46, fired Kosinksi after she refused to show him a text message from someone he suspected was a man, according to the suit.
The suit alleges Shlomi, who is also known as Vince Offer, forced the brunette bombshell to be available 24 hours a day and required her to tag along with him to parties, dinners and events.
At one point, when the young model asked for time off to visit a sick relative, Shlomi allegedly said she could see him "when he's in the grave," according to the suit. He also allegedly tried to pressure her into a romantic relationship, even though she had made it clear she wasn't interested. Shlomi offered Kosinski money to sleep in his bed, as well as "$20,000 and a paid one month vacation for her parents to travel the world in exchange for her eggs," the suit says.
He also allegedly touched and groped her, despite her protests, and stalked her and an ex-boyfriend.
"Shlomi watched Kosinski, even when she wasn't with him," the suit says. "For instance, one day she was laying on the beach. She observed Shlomi … observing her through binoculars."
Kosinksi's "constant rebuffing" angered him, the suit says, and "Shlomi called her a 'b----' and a 'c---' because she would not tell him the 'secret formula'" for her love. Kosinki filed the lawsuit in federal court in Miami on April 1. Shlomi was arrested in Feburary 2009 for repeatedly punching a hooker after she bit his mouth and would not let go. He wasn't charged in that incident.

Oh boo hoo, the ShamWow guy forced me to be at his beck and call and made sexual advances. He stalked me and emotionally abused me, waaaaah. Get a hold of yourself honey. What do you think happens when you are Vince Shlomi's personal assistant? The guy is a god damn showbiz dynamo. This ain't no 9 to 5 job. What do you think his genius starts and stops and your leisure? Fuck no! You've got to be committed to him 24-7. And what is so terrible about accompanying him to parties and events? It's called networking. You don't want to be an assistant the rest of your life, do you? Sounds like a pretty kick-ass if you ask me.

And so what if he offered you money to sleep with him. It could've been worse. Like if he said fuck me or you're fired, which to be honest, I'm surprised he didn't try first. But no, the class act that is Vince, was willing to go into his own pocket and pay you for the privilege. Yes, technically that would make you a prostitute, but who cares. Everyone on this planet is a whore in one way or another. You would just be a whore in the more literal sense.

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