Monday, May 23, 2011

Call Centers crack me up.

(Hello, this is Jackson.)

So I just made a customer service call about a bullshit charge on my credit card and I got on the line with this foreign guy who sounded Indian or something. The guy had a super thick accent and it was kind of hard to understand him, but he helped me out no problem and everything is good. I would definitely have to say that he did a fantastic job, despite the fact that I couldn't understand half the shit he said. But what really cracked me up was that the dude said his name was Jackson. There is no fucking way this guy's name is Jackson. There are 1.2 billion people living in India, and I guarantee not a single one of them is named Jackson. I understand that the guys in these call centers started using American names so we would think that we were talking to somebody in this country, but I think at this point, it's safe to say that nobody actually believes that anymore. NBC has a stupid fucking show about an Indian call center for christ's sake. I think the secrets out. They should just go ahead and use their real names. I really don't think anybody is going to give a fuck. And if you have a really hard name to pronounce, just use a fake Indian name that everybody in America is already familiar with like Vijay or Apu or Houshmandzadeh. Just not Jackson. How am I supposed to trust this guy with my credit card information when the first thing out of his mouth to me is a lie?

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