Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dubai woman sues husband for lack of sex.

NEWSCORE- An Emirati man was being sued for 45 million dirhams ($12.25 million) for not having sex with his wife, who claimed that his failure to perform caused her mental anguish, a court heard.
The unidentified woman said her husband did not sleep with her during the first four months of their marriage in 2008 and that she later discovered he suffered from erectile dysfunction, Gulf News reported Wednesday.
Court records filed by the woman allege that her husband, who she is now divorced from, failed to fulfil her needs.
"Considering the conservative Arab values and the woman's situation in such a society, I remained silent and tried to adapt [by] praying to God that things would improve," she said.
But the woman is now seeking 45 million dirhams in compensation and claims that the defendant -- who has reportedly been married more than 12 times -- also forced her out of her employment and stripped her of her jewelery.
The case is pending before Dubai courts.

Man, talk about kicking a man when he's down. Isn't it bad enough that he can't get a boner? Now he has to pay you millions too? That's just plain rude. And I don't know if bringing this suit against her husband is the smartest move for this lady. Dubai may seem like a modern metropolitan city, but it's still full of Arabs. The last thing she wants to do is come across as some sex-crazed gold digger in court. She'd probably end up getting hung by her thumbs or stoned to death or something. Maybe the best move would be to cut her losses and move on.

1 comment:

  1. throw her out of bed, tell her to hit the road, she was probably ugly anyways,
