Friday, May 27, 2011

Oregon mailman caught taking a shit in somebody's yard.

PORTLAND, Ore.- A mail carrier who was caught using a yard as his personal toilet will not be fired.
The incident happened last month at a home in southeast Portland and a neighbor, Don Derfler, captured the man in the act with his camera.
Derfler had been waiting for his babysitter when he saw his mailman acting odd at his neighbor's house across the street. The postal worker then pulled down his pants and that's when Derfler began snapping pictures.
"We trust people like the postal service and meter readers and people of that nature," Derfler told us when we interviewed him in April. "To come on to our property and to defecate - it's just wrong."
The incident was an embarrassment to the post office and the worker was immediately placed on unpaid leave. Now, a decision has been made to keep the worker but he will be transferred to a different route.
A spokesperson said the administrative action was taken based on a postal service investigation but he did not elaborate. He also did not say which route the mail carrier has been assigned to cover.

I love how Don Derfler can just sit up there on his high horse and pass judgement on this poor unfortunate mailman. I guess Mr. Derfler has never experienced a Code Brown, when you have to make a snap decision to either find somewhere to dump out immediately or shit your pants. This mailman knew that, one way or another, he was about to shit. So he shit in somebody's back yard. And he made the right decision in my opinion. If he had shit his pants, he would've had to go home and change, and the mail for hundreds of people would arrive late. But the mailman would not let this happen. He had taken a vow on his first day as a letter carrier that "neither snow nor rain nor heat nor threat of Code Brown would keep him from the swift completion of his appointed rounds." So he did what had to be done. It wasn't necessarily the popular thing to do, but it was the right thing to do. Look, I don't like to throw around the word hero too often, but in my opinion, the back yard shitting mailman of southeast Portland is a true American hero. And he should be regarded as such. Don Derfler should be ashamed of himself.

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