Friday, May 6, 2011

Colombian art student dies in spectacularly idiotic fashion.

dailymail- A Colombian art student has died after he wrapped his head in a plastic bin bag as part of a performance.
John Jairo Villamil, 25, suffocated during a show at the University del Bosque, in Bogota, intended to highlight the city's growing reputation as the most violent in the world.
Tragically, friends filming the act didn't realise he was fighting for his life until it was too late.
The footage - too graphic to publish - shows Mr Villamil placing the black liner over his head and standing in a bucket of water.
He then picks up a leaf in his left hand and a chain with bills attached in his right before standing to attention as the audience look on.
But as his brain is gradually starved of oxygen, he becomes visibly weaker - and his breathing increasingly heavier.
Shockingly nobody steps in at any point to end the stunt, not even when the young student slumps to the floor seemingly unconscious.
Tragically, because he had performed the piece a number of times without trouble before, onlookers thought the deep breathing and convulsions were simply part of the act.
When they finally realised the act had gone horribly wrong, medics were called to the scene but were unable to revive him, realising he was brain dead.
He was taken to hospital but died five days later in intensive care.
Now his mother, who allegedly gave advice on how to make the piece more shocking, has blamed the university for neglect, claiming it failed to contact the emergency services quickly enough and encouraged 'irresponsible behaviour'.

This might be a dumb question, but why didn't he just take the bag off his head? He had to know that he was suffocating. This guy had been breathing oxygen continuously for the last 25 years, so I'm pretty sure he knew the sensation of not being able to breathe. Maybe he couldn't decide if he should drop the leaf or the chain in order to take the bag off his head. In his mind, he was probably like, "I can't drop the leaf first, because that will make people think that all is lost, and we are prisoners to violence. But I also can't drop the chains first because I don't want to give these people a false sense of freedom because the city is still extremely violent. Oh, I know, I can't believe I didn't think of this first, I'll just........" Tragically, he passed out, mid-thought, before he made his decision.

I wonder what his mother's advice to make the piece more shocking was? I'll bet you anything that she told him to put the bag over his head. Seems like bad ideas run in the family.

1 comment:

  1. what the hell do you know, what if he felt so commited to his performance, and tried to make his point by standing up as long as possible, and when he realized that he could not go on any longer, his body was to weak to react and take off the bag. many things can explain this tragidy, but its unfortunate that people like you seek out victims to make yourself seem like you know everything, and are so wise and a flawless human being that you would never make a mistake, and that anyone who does not think like you and act like you are worthless, but one day I hope that you may change these self destructive ways, why don't you try and think about death and how it would feel when you come face to face with it as you will one day.
