Friday, May 27, 2011

U.S. Citizen charged for insulting the monarchy of Thailand.

BANGKOK (Reuters)- Thai authorities have arrested and charged a U.S. citizen with insulting the country's revered monarchy, the latest of a growing number of people accused of breaching the world's toughest lese-majeste laws.
The Department of Special Investigation (DSI), Thailand's equivalent of the FBI in the United States, said Thai-born Lerpong Wichaikhammat, 55, had translated an article deemed offensive to the monarchy and posted it on his blog.
He was also accused of providing a web link to a controversial biography by an American author of 83-year-old King Bhumibiol Adulyadej, a book banned in Thailand.
Lese-majeste, or insulting the monarchy, is a very serious offence in Thailand, where many people regard King Bhumibol as almost divine. Each offence is punishable by up to 15 years in prison. The latest alleged offences also contravened the country's Computer Crimes Act, the DSI said.
"He denied all charges and we are preparing the case to submit to the court for prosecution," DSI Chief Tharit Pengdith told Reuters.

Where does this guy get off insulting the Thai monarchy like that? Posting a link to a controversial biography about the king is something you just don't do in Thailand. It is a serious insult to the Thai people. Sure, you can roll into Bangkok and fuck anything that moves. Be it young girls, young boys, young ladyboys, old ladyboys, not really that old but definitely not young ladyboys, or basically anything else you can think of, all while being beaten with bamboo rods by midgets dressed like miniature Thai kickboxers. But don't even think about dissing the monarchy. That is just embarrassing to the culture of Thailand.

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