Wednesday, May 25, 2011

New York man beats his puppy on an elevator.

(This may or may not be the puppy in question.)

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork)- Most people have puppy love. A man caught on tape in an East Harlem elevator seems to have the opposite.
The New York Police Department says Irving Sanchez, 46, was arrested after allegedly being caught on an elevator’s surveillance camera brutalizing a pit bull puppy.
The video was captured Sunday in the Wagner Houses in East Harlem. It shows a shocking attack.
In the video, a man police say is Sanchez is seen walking into the elevator with a small pit bull puppy named Max. Once inside the elevator, the man is seen dragging the dog from side to side of the elevator by its leash, hurling it into the elevator walls.
Then the man leans in and hits the dog repeatedly with the handle of the leash, wielding the strap like a club.
Finally the man starts stepping on the dog and appears to kick him.
Sanchez was arrested the next day. He is charged with aggravated cruelty to animals.
Max was taken to an animal shelter.

Watch video here.

I was about to write something on this story when I started looking at the comments section, which is the funniest thing I've seen all day. Somehow they managed to start an argument about abortion by the second post, and it just got crazier from there. Here are some highlights:
What alot of people dont understand is that this guy is doing this to make the pup grow up mean. Pitbull owners are losers to begin with, and they want their dog to be “baddass”. I would bet money he takes them to fights. I would also bet money he beats his kids around to make them “tough” too.
This is bad…..I wish more people felt this way about ABORTION. Think about how cruel that violent act is. Most people will actually defend it…watch.

Eric's Mother
We should let pit bulls perform abortions.

Eric….it is amazing. I am stunned by this video. The guy is a total loser. But I am even more amazed at how people can be so outraged by what this guy did, but then have no reaction to the murder of millions of unborn children. Total hypocrisy!

I guarantee those who scream the loudest about this act, (which is despicable), especially the women, are pro-abortion.

How the F do you get ABORTION in this conversation?

hey idiots, it’s not a baby, it’s a fetus.

Likewise, it’s not a puppy it’s a pit bull. Kill ‘em all I say.
Oh, is the govt gonna tell us what we can do with our pets now too? Call PETA you liberals!! PC police! This is tyranny stay out of our lives govt!!!!!!

kill yourself. PLEASE!
These worthless humans, those who abuse animals and wreck private property, should be shot.

Who wants to shoot anyone? You? Are you a lunatic?

I’d shoot him if I had the chance.
Absolutely classic!

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